So we got a potty chair for Emily. I wasn't going to get one this soon but she's been talking about pooh pooh and pee pee a lot lately. Every time she goes pooh she tells me, a lot of times she tells me as she's going or right before she goes. She even tells me before she toots sometimes. So I figured it might be worth a shot. We tried it out a little but I think I'll just put her on if she tells me she has to go and wait another month before really trying. She did fine with it but I noticed she doesn't always hold her potty for a long time, sometimes she'll go again after ten minutes. So I think we'll wait until we have bigger gaps. I figure putting her on when she talks about it and then taking her in the bathroom with me when I go should get her use to the whole potty business. Wow it would be nice to have the whole potty training business done and over with, not my favorite part of toddler days.
I've been keeping my eye and that swine flu. I hope it turns out to be nothing. Luckily my two weddings for May are both outdoor weddings, better then being stuck indoors with all the germs. It would be odd to be wearing a mask, even stranger if everyone at the wedding was. I wish it wasn't a respiratory illness, poor Nate and his airway doesn't need to catch this! I talked to my pediatrician to get an idea if Nate is more at risk, what I should watch out for, what I should do, etc. He's such an awesome doctor, I wish I could go to him. He always takes the time to talk to me, never makes me feel like he's in a rush. Anyhow, he told me he's telling all parents to just be safe, if a child comes down with a cough and fever bring them in just to get it checked out, better safe then sorry. I also called to school to see if they had a plan. I guess they close down if even one child gets a case and they have been sending kids home show signs of being ill and ask the parents to get each case checked out just to be sure. So now it's good to keep an eye on things and wait to see what happens. My doctor told me it's something nobody can predict and they're more worried because it's not a regular "human flu" so we don't have the immunity to it we usually have. So that's the latest and greatest going on here. We're waiting for Emily to use the potty and waiting to see what the flu does. No pictures today, maybe more once the rain stops and I get back outdoors!