Thursday, February 12, 2009

Loved the lovely weather!

Emily had her 16th month check up and we are now down with shots until she's 2! I'm glad to be done with that. Anyhow the doctor wanted her to walk naked across the floor so he could check to see how her hips were etc. Right before he had her walk he had looked in her ears and eyes and such and she wasn't very happy with him. So he sets her down on the ground to walk and she takes one step stops and starts peeing. Not just a tinkle she was spraying like a stream straight out in front of her all on the new carpet!! I didn't know what to do, run up and grab her and have her pee all over me or run up and catch the stream in my hands... so I just stood and watched. Ha! And Emily just stood there, looking down at her stream like "hm... thats odd". So yeah, a little awkward. She still got her shots and I'm glad to say had no problems with any of them. It's nice to put that behind us for awhile, shots are not fun but neither is the sicknesses she could get if she didn't have them and I've heard more and more cases of things coming back. I think so many people can't afford health care that shots are one of the things that get over looked. Anyhow we are done until two! She was in the 30 percentile for height and weight, Dr. said she'll probably be a peanut. That's ok I have a house full of nuts!

Nathan had his appointment with the nose ears and throat doctor. I think she basically wanted to slap a drug on it and be done. You can just kinda tell when someone is really listening to what you say. I've lived with him for the past eight years, I've seen what he's like when he has the cough, I know when he gets the cough and when he doesn't. So I'm going to let him just try the drug until his next appointment so I can say "I told you so" and cross yet another thing off the list. The only thing she said that made sense is it might be that his airways are sensitive to colds and such (duh) and basically he'll have to grow out of it and there is nothing we can do (yet she still wants to give him drugs). So we tried yet another doctor and yet again it was pointless. I might as well have sat on the end of the pier and thrown my money to the fishes.
I really enjoyed the couple days of beautiful weather we had. I took Emily to the park twice and she really enjoyed it. I went with a friend who remembered to bring her camera, yeah I'm lucky I walk out of the house with my head. After the park on Tuesday I went on a three mile walk with Johnna and just really enjoyed the fresh air. I was hoping Emily would nap in the stroller but she stayed awake that whole time, little turkey! I miss that weather and am a little sad that we're back to cold and snow. I hope spring comes early this year!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome February

I had a wonderful weekend!! I got to get out of the house quite a bit and spend time with my husband and it was all good! I used my Christmas present that Jimmy got me, I got my hair cut and got a spa pedicure and it was wonderful... I even had them wax my eyebrows, ha! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and a lot quicker. Then I got myself some potato soup at panera..yum. Then we went out for dinner just the two of us. That was really nice, we tried out a new place which wasn't great but wasn't bad..but it was nice to try something different. Then we walked around the BH mall a little but left because that place is really going to crap, yuck. I swear one store we walked into was selling stolen goods... it just looked that way. Every thing was suppose to be lightly used or returned goods but seemed fishy to me. Then on Sunday Kaylee and I went shopping with Nana, got Kaylee her Easter dress (thanks Nana). It's really cute! We stopped by target and poked around... it's always fun to do that. Then we went home and watched the super bowl with Jimmy and did a little couch cuddling after the kids went to bed. We even got to sleep at a decent time, wow! Just a really nice weekend.

Nathan is getting over his cough for the time. I hope it stays gone for awhile but once he gets it once it seems to come back often. We booked an appointment with a specialist Feb. 11th in Berrien springs, hopefully we will get some good news!

I've been keeping up on working out, missed a day last week but hope to make that up this week. I'm working out in the evenings with Johnna but wouldn't mind doing two workouts one in the morning then again in the evening. I"m a woman on a mission to look good by summer. Ha! Even though the mean groundhog saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter. sniff!