Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat Night!

So the kids had their trick or treat night and made quite a haul. Seems like they get more goodies every year. This year and last year were both good years for the kids, the perfect ages to go. It's nice biggest they're big enough to really enjoy themselves. We went trick or treating with the neighbors across the street and their little girl. We hit most the neighborhood and it was nice that we haven't changed our clocks yet this year, stayed lighter longer. We go to South Haven tomorrow for the church party, ahh.. not more candy!!!
Black Cat:


Nate Ghost and Kay Cat:

The kids did a lot of running:

Spooky ghost:

The gang, Kaylee, Kyla, Nate and Em bug:

My little ghost:

Nemmy went up to a couple doors but mostly watched:

Silly pumpkin head:

Running back with their haul:

Trick or Treat:

Only a few houses left:

The Haul:

Trick or Treat, smell my feet!

I know it's been awhile since I posted. I suck, sorry. Actually I've been trying really hard to finish this last wedding and I did, finally. Yay! No more weddings until March! I'm excited to have some free time, I need to spend more time with my Emily here this winter playing around and working on her little baby skills. Anyhow today is trick or treat in Stevensville. They moved it to today because of a football game, geez seriously... football over trick or treat, silly people. Anyhow Emily is in her lady bug costume ready to go. She is so adorable I can hardly stand to not hug her to pieces. I took her outside for a few quick pictures before the kids got home from school. I posted this one because she looks like she's nervous that I'm going to ask her to share that candy with me. Ha!! Silly baby can't have candy yet...shhh.. don't tell her! Anyhow I'll try to update more tomorrow when I have more time and post some pictures.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good Bye Crystal see you on facebook!

Today I'm editing again, as always, forever and ever. Actually right now I'm taking a break. So instead of moving away from the computer like I should I'm going to post a blog. Just wanted to let everyone know that I signed up for facebook. Yep, a couple winters ago I messed around with myspace, last winter was blogger (which I plan to keep using) and this winter I believe I'll fiddle around with facebook. Everyone has one, my mom, my dad, my husband, etc. so I'll get one and fiddle with it and see if I like it or not. So you can add me and we can write on each others walls and whatever else you do on it. I haven't had much time to dink around on there but I'm sure I'll figure it out. The main reason for this post was so I could put up a few pictures from Grandma's house taken during Crystals going away party. Check em' out:
The cousins:

We're trying to make whistles out of acorns like Grandpa use to do, sniff:

Me and Crystal:

The Rusins:

The whole clan:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So it's the start of a new week and now I have to try and remember what I did over the weekend which was only a few days ago. Hmm.. hmm.. hmm..
Friday night the kids spent the night at Jimmy's parents. We had some friends over for dinner and then we watched a movie. I made a roast and it was very yummy.
On Saturday I had another appointment which was luckily in South Haven where my Grandmas was throwing a going away party for my cousin Crystal who was moving to Maine the following day. We had fish and chicken for dinner with lots of side dishes, kinda reminded of Thanksgiving minus turkey. Lots of family there and it was nice to see everyone. I have a few pictures I have to weed through and crop and then will post at a later date.
Sunday I had two appointments one was in South Bend so the whole family went along for that one. We ate at the Olive Garden and ran to the super target and then home.
Jimmy moved Kaylee's bed into the basement even though her room isn't finished yet. He set her stuff up in the family room area. She's still sleeping in the bunk bed in Nates room but she's been asking to sleep downstairs so maybe sometime soon we'll let her stay the night in her bed in the downstairs area.
Yesterday was kinda a rainy gloomy day. I did get some pictures finished up and I'm thrilled about that! Today started off kinda rainy too, I took the kids to school today and noticed a rainbow. On the way home it just kept getting brighter and larger... soon it was a full rainbow and very bright and a 2nd rainbow was forming off to the side a bit. I have to say it was probably the prettiest rainbow I've ever seen or seen in awhile. I wanted to just stop my car on the road and watch it but that would have caused an accident so I didn't. Anyhow I ran in the house and grabbed my camera then ran back to the car and backed up down the street a bit so I could find a opening in the trees and got a couple pictures. By the time I got the camera the rainbow had started to fade and the 2nd rainbow was disappearing so I didn't get a picture of it in it's prime, dang. Of course pictures just never do it jusitice either, they just never turn out as pretty and the rainbow always looks dinky so that bums me out too but trust me it was beautiful:
It was starting to disappear but you can make out the 2nd rainbow off to the side still and the bottom of the rainbow was still nice and bright:

It's been awhile since I've seen a full complete rainbow, I wish it was as bright as it had been when I was driving:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Emily's Update

Long overdue update on Miss Emily who is now 13 months old!!:
Emily has been really developing her little personality lately. The last couple of days she's been all about hanging out with mommy. She follows me everywhere in each room anywhere I go. Even if I have to go to the bathroom there she is standing there waiting for me. I had the door propped open to carry groceries in the house the other day and she turned around and crawled out the door and was half way in the yard before I got to her, little stinker. I took her outside on one of the nice days we had recently, I was trying to rake some of our leaves and get a head start on it. Emily walked right to my leave pile and started throwing them up in the air and then started ripping them into shreds. I didn't even show her what to do, must be a built in kid thing. She's been using the word bye bye a lot lately. When Jimmy leaves in the morning she tells him bye bye as soon as he opens the door to go. She got her shoes the other day and brought them to me telling me "bye bye". I guess that was a hint that she was sick of being in the house! She still loves her books and her new favorite is a peek-a-boo book that she likes to lift the different flaps on the various pages and find the baby under them. She still loves climbing as well, she loves to climb up on the bricks in front of the fire place, she likes to move the kitchen stool around the room and climb up on that. Emily barks when she sees dogs and growls for any other animal, she loves finding pens or pencils and then will put them tip down on whatever surface and scribble back and forth. I'm not sure where she learned that, maybe from watching me write. She likes to dance with daddy, if he starts to dance she'll start to dance. If the bathroom door is left open Emily will unroll the toilet paper and then grab a shampoo bottle and walk around with it. She talks nonstop, no clue what most the things she says are but she only stops talking when she's eating or sleeping. I can guess words every once in awhile but she only says a few clearly. She does say Daddy most of the time now, dada every so often. She still says Mama for me. She really likes me to lay on my back with my feet on her tummy and "fly" her back and forth. She'd let me do that all day if I would. I think she's a herding dog, if she wants me some place she'll push my legs until I go where she wants. She lifts her hands up and says up when she wants me to pick her up. She will also tell people hi but bye bye comes out more often. Hmm.. well I think that catches up on what Emily has been up to lately. She's usually running around the back room while I edit pictures during the day, right now she's laying on the floor holding her shoes, kicking her feet and cussing me out. She must want out of the house again.
Here's a video of Emily playing in the leaves:
Well I was trying to post a video but it's giving me issues so I'll try again later!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Now don't laugh....

Now you know with a title like that you're bound to laugh anyhow. Whenever someone tells you to not laugh about something thats because it's funny to everyone but that person. So yeah...
took a couple family pictures and let me just say before you look at them that we just don't take good pictures. Nathan and Kaylee are at the "super fake smile" stage in their lives. Emily wants to not be sitting still. Jimmy and I have no excuse we just suck. So yeah add all of us together and try to get a good picture and it's 99.9 percent impossible. We end up with decent, passable. So yeah... check out these two, the best of the group. I'd like to thank Uncle Cory for having enough patience to sit there and take picture after picture and also trying to get Emily to laugh even though she really just wanted to run off and jump in the water. Let me know which you think is the best!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jollay Weekend

Well this post is long overdue! Things have been busy as always but everything should start to slow down in the next couple of weeks. I went to the doctor Monday to get my stitches removed and I'm very happy to say that my test came back cancer free. Good news! Very glad to hear that!
Last weekend was so beautiful! We took the kids to Jollay Orchard and Grandpas cider mill last Saturday. We got some apple cider and apple cider and pumpkin dough nuts (so good). The kids had a great time at Jollay, did a little fishing, picked out a couple of pumpkins, went in a haunted school house, corn maze, hay rides and drank delicious cherry apple cider. Everyone had fun, even Emily liked looking at the pumpkins! I have pictures posted below and will add more to the link later tomorrow. Sunday was beautiful as well, Jimmy took Kaylee and Nathan to learn about fire safety at the fire station open house earlier in the afternoon and then we went to the park later in the early evening, everything was perfect minus the stupid mosquitoes which I swear are worse this year. I do have pictures Jimmy took from the fire station which I'll get up on here a bit later too. Oh and guess who got my Christmas lights up on the house (no I'm not turning them on yet, I'm not that tacky) Jimmy got them up during this lovely weather, no freezing his butt off in an ice storm this year! Well check out our weekend pictures:
Nate the piggy, Kaylee the horse and Emily the cow:

Nate thought it was great that he was crawling out the caterpillars hind end (sigh):

Hey sissy, pass over some doughnut:

On the hay ride:

Me and Nate and Emily:

Emily posing like the kitty (isn't she smart):

field of pumpkins:

scary haunted school house:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nope, the hole in my leg didn't kill me.

Ok short blog just to let everyone know that I am alive and kicking. Well actually not kicking yet. I was surprised to find out that my leg was quite painful for a couple days. I guess those stitches being right on my calf make walking painful, when I walk I have no choice but to use my calf muscle which stretches the skin by the stitches which causes them to pull. Anyhow today things are better and I'm thinking from here on out things will get better and better. I'm excited about tomorrow, I'm going out to lunch with a friend from out of town so that will be fun! I'll post another blog tomorrow, I'm going to bed early tonight I'm worn out!

Monday, October 6, 2008

They cut a hole in my leg

I had a doctors appointment today. I haven't mentioned anything about this yet but I had a growth on my leg that looked a bit odd to me and since my mom had a spot that ended up being cancerous and my PaPa passed away from skin cancer I figured it would be smart to have it checked out. So a couple weeks ago I went to my doctor who felt it was probably nothing but would be smart to have it removed and checked out with my family history. So they cut that sucker out of my leg and I had to have four stitches, which didn't hurt because they numbed everything up nicely, in fact it's still mostly numb now. The spot was on the back of my leg on my calf so I am a little concerned that it might pull a bit when I walk so we will see how it feels later tonight and tomorrow. Next Monday I go back to have the stitches removed and the results from the test, I'm hopeful that it's nothing to worry about. I do however have a gross picture of my leg if you want to see it, I will post it way below if you don't have a good stomach for that kind of thing.....
It's not too bad but a bit bigger then I thought that little spot would be:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wedding Drama and Apple picking

I have a wonderful announcement, I am done with Weddings for this year!! Now I just have to catch up on all the editing........ which will probably take until next year! Ha! Another awesome announcement the Thompson Family will be vacationing up north Dec. 7th, 8th, and 9th. We booked rooms at the great wolf lodge and got a great deal! We love deals, the kids are excited, I'm excited, Jimmy's excited, we're all so excited! I can't wait to see how they have it decorated and I know Emily is going to just love the kiddy pool this year she'll be able to walk up to the little kids water activities and play with them! So I had my last wedding this Saturday, the weather was very nice and their reception was at a golf course which is my new favorite place to do wedding pictures. They just have awesome grass! Ha! I have just got to tell you a story about this wedding, it is one I will NEVER forget. Talk about wedding DRAMA! Yeah... so it's about ten minutes before the ceremony starts and I was talking to the groom and his sister in law came up and said something about someone being there and the nerve of that person and asked him if he wanted her to take care of it and he said something about nah... just ignore her or something. Well I kinda walked away because I didn't want to intrude on the convo. A few minutes later the grooms mom comes up to me and tells me that some girl in pink and brown just came in and to avoid taking picture of her because she is his ex fiance who was not invited to the wedding but came anyhow and didn't come alone... she brought her MOTHER! AHHHHHH
so yeah awkward....
anyhow, I felt terrible for the bride because she's such a sweetie and I knew someone would run back and tell her and then she'd be focused on that and not her special day... some people are so screwed up in the head, seriously.
So.. I ended up sitting behind the Ex who was in the back and although I wasn't trying to listen in (honestly) I could hear them trashing this and that about the dresses and decor and yadda yadda... girls can be so catty. So the wedding ends (I held my breath through the speak now part) and then the bride and groom was dismissing the different rows of people row by row. Now Miss Catty Ex could have just left, she was in the back and it was just her and her mom in the row. But Nooooooooo that meanie stayed and then both her and her mom hugged the groom and bride (who was as white as her gown). Moving along....
Bride and Groom ran out under a shower of bird seed then walked around the side of the church and back in for pictures. I was with them, the bride was going on and on about I can't believe she'd do that, I can't believe she'd show up. She tells me that she's upset because her new husbands ex was there and not invited and that she wanted someone to make her leave but nobody did and as she is tell me this and we are about to walk in the building I hear a car drive by honking away. Well Jimmy was with but further back and he told me later it was that Ex and her mom and that the girl was laughing at her mom for honking and saying "oh... don't honk mom don't honk" while cracking up. So yeah, craziness CRAZY! Just had to share that little story.

Today was Jimmy's work day, I took the kids to my mom's house and we went to church then we went out for lunch then we went to pick apples. We had a fun day, Emily got to ride in the wagon with the apples. Kaylee and Nathan got to ride cows. Check out the pictures below:

Kaylee with her bag of apples:

Hanging on for dear life:

Big bite:

Nate loves apples:

Kaylee found a good one:

Nathan found his:

See?!?! (silly):

I think this apple is dangerous:

Nobody notices I have this right?:

Nate apple picking:

Kaylee apple picking:

Nana pulling Emily in the wagon:

Cow rides:

Getting ready to go:

Nate and his cow:

Kaylee and her cow:

Hang on!:

Emily made a friend:

I love her little vest:

Emily waiting for Kaylee and Nathan, isn't her fuzzy hair cute?!:

Going around the cow train:

Nathan doesn't look thrilled:

Sorry about all those pictures, I'll be adding them to the family link on the side a little later!