Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunny beach day

Last few days have been a little crazy.  I've had a lot of editing on my plate lately.  We're taking the kids on a trip next week (if the weather behaves) so I'm trying to get a good hold on these pictures.  I'm still working on working out each day.  Things are going well, my energy is up and I feel great!  Jimmy has all next week off of work, looking forward to spending time together and the kids are counting down until the end of school.  It's almost here now!  I've got a wedding shower to go to for Rachel this weekend, Yay!  I can't believe my brother's wedding is just around the corner.  Crazy!!  
Took the kids to the beach tonight, the weather was so nice!! We had a great time together.  Here are a few pictures:
Climbing the rocks:
Running down the dunes:
Playing in the sand:
The three kids playing together:
Hi Emily:
Oops Emily got hit by a wave, crawled out of there fast:
Water on her tootsies:
This is how she throws rocks in the water:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Love being a Mommy!!

Let's see....
Is it a bad sign that I honestly don't remember what we did this weekend.  Hmm... Mother's Day was nice.  I got to go to a Mother's Day party at my Aunt's.  It was nice to see all the family.  My poor mom and her tummy troubles.  I think they finally figured out the problem and hopefully things will be looking up from here on out.  Happy late mother's day to all the mom's out there!!  

Finally got some decent weather again today.  No more cold snaps I'm ready for summer!  I took Emily to the beach today.  That child is going to be fearless in the water, I can already tell.  She gets so upset when I don't let her crawl right in.  It's not that warm out Emily!!  I love spending time with her.  I look forward to spending time with my children all summer.  I'm so happy I kept things simple and only took on two weddings a month.  I love being a mom so much and I really want to spend time exploring with my kids.  Not ten minutes between editing weddings!  Yay for summer and fun days and the beach!! I can't believe Kaylee will be ten this year.  How crazy is that?!?  Nate will be eight and then Emily two!!  I don't know how two years went by so fast!  We have plans for a vacation coming up, as long as the weather holds for us!  
Ugh I didn't take pictures today though, wasn't in the mood to be snapping pictures I wanted to play too!   

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Flower Power

Look how good I'm doing, three posts in a row!  I took major advantage of this nice weather a few days back.  I took my buddy the camera outside and took some pictures of my beautiful flower tree!!  I actually got a few I like so much I might pick out one to hang on my wall.  I'll tell you what, taking pictures of flowers is a lot easier then children!!  Flowers hold still for hours! Anyhow check them out!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Beach in May

Tuesday was wonderful!  The weather was really nice.  I took Emily down to the beach with a friend of mine and her children.  She sure was all about the sand and rocks.  I probably could have left her in one spot, took a walk, got a massage, did some shopping, go out to eat and then come back and she still would have been in that same spot digging in the sand.  She had a lot of fun though.  Poor Kaylee and Nathan miss out when at school.  Well this is a quick one.  Emily is sitting on my lap telling me that I'm all done, and that she wants to "eat". Ha!
Emily gazing out into the distance:
Hmmm... this rock is interesting:
Happy to see mommy:
love those toes:
Hanging out with Hannah, doing girl things:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Favorite food, favorite park, favorite ice cream.

Finally the weather has improved!!  No rain for the last couple of days and decent temps!!  Had a great weekend.  I had a but of a tummy "issue" on Friday, felt a little funky Saturday morning but felt better towards the last part of the day.  That dang swine flu stuff had me a bit nervous but now it looks like it won't be much of a problem, whew.  Went down to SB later on Saturday, my awesome husband took us out to eat at OG..mmm.... yes I had myself a few helpings of salad, ha!  After that we went to my all time favorite park for pictures!  LOVE IT!  Took a few of the kids.  I'm a photographer with the most nonphotographable (I might have made that word up) children ever!!  Emily has no interest in sitting still for any amount of time.  She's a mover, no time for the idle stuff.  She also spends a lot of time looking down at things on the ground. I noticed this more when trying to take her picture.  Nate looks everywhere but the camera and comes up with the oddest faces !  Kaylee tries to hard with her smile, it ends up looking very fake.  I'm bad too, I can't take a picture to save my life so I don't blame her.  Anyhow, got some I like and didn't want to spend hours there so we kept it quick.  Went to cold stone after, I need to not eat anything with fat in it for three weeks now! HA!!  Sunday my mom watched the kids, I got to hang out with my husband, I had a hard time remembering his name and kept looking around for my children.  Jimmy who?  Aren't we missing three little people?  I'm not use to this, just the two of us stuff!!  We had an awesome time!!  Thanks Mom!  Now for the rest of the week I plan on enjoying this beautiful weather as often as possible!  LOVE IT!