so yeah awkward....
anyhow, I felt terrible for the bride because she's such a sweetie and I knew someone would run back and tell her and then she'd be focused on that and not her special day... some people are so screwed up in the head, seriously.
So.. I ended up sitting behind the Ex who was in the back and although I wasn't trying to listen in (honestly) I could hear them trashing this and that about the dresses and decor and yadda yadda... girls can be so catty. So the wedding ends (I held my breath through the speak now part) and then the bride and groom was dismissing the different rows of people row by row. Now Miss Catty Ex could have just left, she was in the back and it was just her and her mom in the row. But Nooooooooo that meanie stayed and then both her and her mom hugged the groom and bride (who was as white as her gown). Moving along....
Bride and Groom ran out under a shower of bird seed then walked around the side of the church and back in for pictures. I was with them, the bride was going on and on about I can't believe she'd do that, I can't believe she'd show up. She tells me that she's upset because her new husbands ex was there and not invited and that she wanted someone to make her leave but nobody did and as she is tell me this and we are about to walk in the building I hear a car drive by honking away. Well Jimmy was with but further back and he told me later it was that Ex and her mom and that the girl was laughing at her mom for honking and saying "oh... don't honk mom don't honk" while cracking up. So yeah, craziness CRAZY! Just had to share that little story.
Today was Jimmy's work day, I took the kids to my mom's house and we went to church then we went out for lunch then we went to pick apples. We had a fun day, Emily got to ride in the wagon with the apples. Kaylee and Nathan got to ride cows. Check out the pictures below:
Kaylee with her bag of apples:
Hanging on for dear life:
Big bite:
Nate loves apples:
Kaylee found a good one:
Nathan found his:
See?!?! (silly):
I think this apple is dangerous:
Nobody notices I have this right?:
Nate apple picking:
Kaylee apple picking:
Nana pulling Emily in the wagon:
Cow rides:
Getting ready to go:
Nate and his cow:
Kaylee and her cow:
Hang on!:
Emily made a friend:
I love her little vest:
Emily waiting for Kaylee and Nathan, isn't her fuzzy hair cute?!:
Going around the cow train:
Nathan doesn't look thrilled:
Sorry about all those pictures, I'll be adding them to the family link on the side a little later!
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