Friday, May 23, 2008

Freezing again

Yippee it's a holiday weekend. I have nothing booked this weekend so I am planning some exciting family time. We have a few things we're going to do around the house, Jimmy is going to play "camping" with the kids and we're going to spend some time at my parents house. Fun stuff!! Hopefully the weather will be nice, they're calling for nice weather but I've heard that before.
So Jimmy had today off of work, yay! I had these big plans to take some pictures of Emily and stuff and guess what, the temp dropped and the wind picked up and it was FREEZING out. Thanks good ol' Michigan. So maybe another time, sigh. Jimmy took a few of the two of us since we were already at the park. So here we are playing around:
Emily and Mommy:

Playing peek-a-boo:

Love my littlest girl:

Gimme that Camera:

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