Friday, January 16, 2009

And so it begins....

No pictures today, it's too cold to get them off the back computer, that room is freezing! I can't believe this awful weather we've been having. Yuck! I'm in need of a vacation some place warm for sure! At least Emily has found a way to stay warm, she's running in a circle right now, silly baby. I can't believe I'm only a couple months away until busy busy busy again. Ugh, last summer I didn't have time to pick my nose!! So I have have have to get my booty in shape now or it will never happen. Last week I began to work my way into working out. I've said it before and I'll say it again those firm work outs are by far the best work outs I've ever done in my life! I've got quite the collection now and it's nice to have some variety. I started last week with the half hour collection that focuses on either lower body, upper body or abs. Those eased my body into working out again without killing me. This week I start the hour long work outs which are long and painful and make me cry. I did two of those along with a couple of the half hour ones so I didn't over do it. I did good except Thursday I was sore everywhere and needed to let my muscles heal for the day. I'll take another break this weekend and start again Monday.

I don't have luck with diets and have read enough reports about them not working. Once you go off you just gain the weight right back and then some. So I'm just going to "trim" things out of my life. I'll start with removing anything from a fast food restaurant which won't be very difficult because the only fast food restaurant I've even ate at in quite awhile was DQ and thats usually the chicken basket or salad and even then I've only ate there a handful of times. Then I'll cut out pop which I usually drink when we go out to eat or with pizza. After that I'm going to avoid sugary goodies except a treat once a week to rev up the metabolism (and for my own sanity) and then maybe one every other week. Whew! Dang getting in shape!

I'd like to get rid of about five pounds and then really tone up everything from my chin down. Which is another reason why I love my firm workouts. They're an awesome combo of light weight training to build muscle and rev up metabolism and cardio to get that good ol heart pounding and burn calories. The newest in firm workouts features a "wave" type step that rocks when you're on it so you constantly have to work to keep it steady which really engages the core and helps burn even more calories. Now that everyone knows my plan I better stick with it. I'll mention how I'm doing in future posts. Wish me luck!

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