Friday, January 30, 2009

Playing around

So I was fiddling around with a new lighting set up today and used Emily as my helper. She was interested for the most part. I was pretty happy with the results, I still need to edit them but I went ahead and posted the pictures straight off the camera's back, maybe once I edit them I'll repost to show the before and after.

Poor Nathan is struggling with that cough he gets every winter. It bothers me that I can't do anything to help him get over it but nothing we've tried works. It sounds so loud but he says it isn't painful so that makes me feel a little better. I hope we figure out what the problem is soon. I'm going to take him to see a specialist soon. Other then that things are same old same old. I'm still sick of winter, ha! Just always cold! I need a trip down south soon.

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