Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year to all!

Well once again I took longer then I wanted to posting this blog. But it's being posted now so thats all that counts. We really enjoyed Christmas, it was nice to spend time with our family and friends. Kaylee was so suprised when she saw her room finished, I have video but I need Jimmy's help to figure out how to post it now that he switched some things up on the computer. Nana and Papa came over and we got to eat Nana's yummy cooking. Then we just relaxed and played with toys. Kaylee didn't leave her room much that day, ha. Nathan was way into match box car race tracks this year and now has three to keep him busy. Emily got a baby doll that she loves to kiss and carry around. Jimmy has told me several times that the ipod touch he got is the best Christmas present, yay! Boys and their toys.

The kids had a busy Christmas break, a couple of Kaylee's friends came over and she loved having her own room for her sleepovers. Kaylee went to a friends house one night and Nate stayed a night with Gram's. Poor Emily didn't have any sleepovers, maybe in a few years. Nathan had a little boy from down the road over to play and we had a few of our friends over. New Years Eve Dan and Liz and Kyla came by to watch the ball drop, play games and eat some snacks. It's nice having people our age live so close. Now we just need a little boy Nathan's age to move in next door who has a younger sister Emily's age, that would just ice the cake.

Jimmy and I went out to celebrate his up coming birthday. He got a case to protect his new baby (ipod) and a steak for his tummy. He will be leaving on his actual birthday to go to Vegas for work. So today is our last day of vacation and I'm trying to get back in the grove of editing pictures. I'm glad that we got the camera out to be cleaned, it will be nice to have it ready to go for this upcoming summer. I'm trying to keep with my promise of booking two weddings a month but have cheated twice and booked three... I have a hard time saying no. Hopefully I won't be kicking myself later. I posted a few pictures below with more to come on the family link and of course they are already on facebook so I'm sure everyone has seen them.
Emily feeding me snacks:
Excited: Mmm...

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