Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas countdown..3..2..1..

I can not believe in a couple more days it will be Christmas! AHh!! I don't know where the time has gone. Today I finished making cookies and then we dropped them off to a few different friends houses. I swear this year more people have Christmas lights up on their houses, I don't know if it's because everyone is depressed because of the bad economy so they're trying to cheer themselves up or what. Anyhow, that is my theory. So next year I am not booking any appointments starting Thanksgiving and going through the New Year, I am way to busy with my holiday cheer and family stuff.
Can you believe the nasty weather we've had lately? It was icky icky icky out the other day. Kaylee and Nathan were at my parents house spending Saturday night, it was so bad they ended up spending Sunday night as well. That actually worked out in my favor, I finished Kaylee's room except for some trim above the closet door and some touch up painting. Jimmy and my dad did a great job on it, lots of hard work and it really doesn't look like a room that would be in a basement. Anyhow, check out some pictures of her room and just a few random ones:

Picture of my goodie bags:
My backroom Christmas room:Emily looking out the window at our winter wonderland:
Kaylee's new room:

Bed, I'll be making her a new brown and pink blanket: Walking in:
Emily is too cool:

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