Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Great Wolf Lodge 2008

We just got back from our trip up north. Aside from a small patch of nasty weather everything was wonderful! I'm telling you the time to go to Great Wolf Lodge is the early part of December, hardly any people. I don't think I had to wait in a line once, and the Magi quest game didn't have tons of kids running about. I'm glad my mom and dad made it up a night. We all didn't get much sleep that first night with the.. ahem.. men snoring and then the kids couldn't seem to settle down with Emily having the most trouble. The 2nd night was much better. Emily and I went to bed at 9 pm, Jimmy and the kids went to bed a little after 10 pm and we all slept straight through until 9 am the next morning...ahhh.. now thats a vacation!
Thanks to Jimmy I got to eat at a few of my favorite places:
Ruby Tuesday which has a great salad bar.
Olive Garden which has my favorite salad dressing
Cracker Barrel which has some yummy hash brown casserole.
So many pine trees just covered in snow on the way up:
Emily snoozing in the car:

Kids getting ready to play the Magi Quest game:
Emily playing the Magi game:
Ahh...lazy river:
Me and Emily:

More pictures on my facebook and i'll post more in the family album one of these days here.

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