Friday, December 5, 2008

Seriously people seriously!!

Ok people really fall for this junk? I can't believe it. I've gotten the emails before about so and so is holding millions for me in an account and I just have to pay some legal fee and I'll be rich. Which I realize is bs. Now today I get an email from... gasp... the FBI. Wow, contacting me by email to let me know how to get my millions how nice of them. I just seriously had to post the letter I got because I'm still laughing about it. Please notice that the FBI can't spell and has terrible grammar, ha. I will be putting my own comments into the email as well because I can't help myself:

Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc

Attn: Beneficiary,
This is to Officially inform you (by email not on the phone or in person)that it has come to our notice(because we're watching youuuuuuu, always watching) and we have thoroughly Investigated (because we don't have any other thing to do but monitor random emails about money from Africa) with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you are having an illegal Transaction with Impostors claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr Frank Nweke, Mr. Nwachukwu, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule,Larry Christopher, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen, Dr. Philip Mogan, Puppy Scammers are impostors claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
Which is all amazing to me because I have never gotten any mail from the above listed people nor have I had any transactio with them.

During our Investigation, we noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance Payment.

Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf (how nice of them) and they have brought a solution to your problem by coordinating your payment in total USD$11,000.000.00 in an ATM CARD which you can use to withdraw money from any ATM CENTER anywhere in the world with a maximum of $4000 to $5000 United States Dollars daily.

You now have the lawful right to claim your fund in an ATM CARD.
Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation is involved in this transaction, you have to be rest assured for this is 100% risk free (wow, because they say they are the FBI surely they must be) it is our duty to protect the American Citizens (sure buddy). All I want you to do is to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via his email or phone for their requirements to proceed and procure your Approval Slip on your behalf which will cost you $250.00 only (an approval slip for the low low price of 250 bucks) and note that your Approval Slip which contains details of the agent who will process your transaction.

Name : Dr. Andrew HallDirector- General,
ATM CARD PAYMENT CENTER Federal Republic of NigeriaCentral District Area,
AbujaTel : +234 12132294Cell: +234 7032886904

Ok first of all why does an agent have a yahoo email address? 2nd why is he from Africa and why does he have a cell and regular telephone number from Abuja?
I seriously almost expect his email to be aguynottryingtoscamyou@It'
and his phone number to be 1-866-not-ascam

Do contact Mr. Andrew Hall of the ATM CARD CENTRE with your details:
because although the fbi figured out that someone has my money and they figured out my email they do not know my full name, address or phone number.

So your files would be updated after which he will send the payment information’s (multi info) which you'll use in making payment of $250.00 via Western Union Money Transferor ( FBI works through Western Union) Money Gram Transfer for the procurement of your Approval Slip after which the delivery of your ATM CARD will be effected to your designated home (my home was designated) without any further delay.
We order you (ordered even) get back to this office after you have contacted the ATM SWIFT CARD CENTER and we do await your response so we can move on with our Investigation (If I don't hurry and send that 250 I'm delaying the investigation) and make sure your ATM SWIFT CARD gets to you.
Thanks and hope to read (I hope to read from you too highly educated and respected FBI director) from you soon.
Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with Dr. Andrew Hall of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.
How thoughtful of them to want to keep me safe from the impost0r's that is trying to take my magic money that i have somehow. Thanks FBI, you're a pal!

Seriously I can't believe it, I don't even have the words. So with my new millions the FBI helped me find I'm taking everyone on vacation! WHOO HOO!!


Unknown said...

i don't get that kind of junk on my mac

Unknown said...

i don't get that kind of junk on my mac