Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let the baking begin!

This week I am doing some Christmas baking!! I plan on having the kids pass out goodies to our nearby friends this next Saturday. I think we'll drive around town and tour some Christmas lights, listen to Christmas music on the radio and pass out goodies. Sounds like fun! So this next week I plan on making some home made cinnamon bread, sugar cookies, oatmeal cookies, andes mints cookies, holiday chip cookies, caramel corn, and chex mix. Mm.. doesn't that sound yummy? I ran to the store on Saturday and picked up everything I should need to bake with. I'm not going to the store again until after Christmas, it was nuts! Crazy people everywhere. Jimmy hasn't been feeling hot the last few days, poor honey. I think we'll all take a nap when Emily does today, it's always nice to get a few extra winks of sleep when you're under the weather.
Speaking of weather it's 44 out and rainy!! Crazy to think a few days ago it was snowing and now it's all gone! Michigan weather...
Emily was sitting on the chair the other day looking like such a big girl, I just had to snap a couple of pictures of her:
I love her little lips:
Just relaxing with her snacks:

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